Saturday, 30 December 2017

A Game To Watch: They Are Billions

Developed by Numantian games, They Are Billions is an intense, brutally difficult game that entered Early Access this December. Set up as a zombie survival game, TAB is an interesting take on a saturated genre, offering a steampunk setting with real-time-strategy gameplay.
They Are Billions comes complete with Reticulating Splines loading menus. Screenshot from in-game.

The minute-to-minute of this game is satisfyingly difficult. Players are tasked with the construction and defence of a post-apocalyptic Steampunk-styled colony. Usual genre mainstays are in full force such as resource and unit management as well as base defences. An interesting mix of survival gameplay elements are thrown in, including food and some elementary colonist management. 

The graphics are an interesting isometric 2D style, with beautiful, smooth animation of both buildings and units, all styled in a unique way that brings out the game’s individuality. For those with hardware of the right calibre, the game art is capable of scaling to 4K graphics, as mentioned on the game’s website. 

Graphics are layered with interesting Steampunk stylings, and look crisp and unique. Screenshot from in-game.

Of most note is the AI, however. Like many zombie survival games before it, They Are Billions doubles down on the attraction of displaying massive hordes of enemies simultaneously on-screen. However, the game’s website states that a custom AI engine has been built to handle up to 20,000 units in real time. Enemies react realistically to sound and roam about the world with their own paths. When playing the game, the sheer, overwhelming force of the horde is an awe-inspiring sight, even as the swathes of undead lay waste to your base. 

Vast numbers of enemies attacking in force is a sight to behold. Screenshot from in-game.

As isometric-styled survival games go, They Are Billions holds promise not only in its style but in its brutal gameplay. The difficulty of the game itself can be tweaked by altering gameplay time and enemy numbers using sliders, but I would recommend leaving the difficulty at default to experience first hand the brutality of the horde, as it provides a visceral, if unforgiving game. 

Expect to see game-over screens a lot. This game is fiendishly brutal. Screenshot from in-game.

If you’re looking for a survival horror fix with excellent real-time strategy elements running the show, then look no further than They Are Billions, which is currently available in Early Access in Steam for just under £20. This game shows a lot of promise as a game to watch for the future.

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